Movie: Namesake
(Its serendipity. I was planning to a review "Shantaram" -write on the book that I finished a week ago and unfortunately it took a backseat. The serendipity is that the movie I went for and am writing about currently is by the director who's next movie will be "Shantaram." And it has suddenly come to forefront.)

Namesake is splendid. Its a collage of moments from a lifetime. Some may find it incomplete and others superficial. But its the collage of moments that matter. We all have those moments in our lifetime that stand out. The defining moments of life.
My reviews normally talk of the moments that touched me somewhere deep inside. In this movie the one scene that really was hard hitting was the moment when Tabu is told to close her eyes and think of the moment when she felt "happy not thrilled just deeply happy". It held my attention and I will try the same. Close my eyes and look for the moment of happiness.
Death - loss of loved one- is also an experience that each one of us go through. I heard Mira Nair talk of it in one of the interviews and after watching the movie I agree that if it was her objective to convey the same then she has been successful 100%. Death is an experience that makes me smile and makes life and its challenges so petty. It puts all in perspective and makes one think of the purpose of existence - inspires one to make a difference somewhere.
Its an amazing movie. I would say - go for it!
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