This was one movie I had been wanting to watch for sometime now. I finally did manage to watch it and that too on one of the hindi movie channels with 12+ breaks. That in itself is an achievement and the movie did grab my attention to bear with the ad breaks. As they say content is the king!
KANK - This is what
Svety said when she saw the movie almost ages ago.I loved the movie for the few moments it had and the theme - the complexity of relationships, the choice between compromise and love, the lies , the truth , the memories that last forever.Love, they say, isn't easy to come by. And sometimes even if it comes to one; will one do whatever it takes?
In the song Mitwa the lyrics say
"Love will find a way" and the farewell trance of the movie says :
"No distance is too great
for your memory will live on
let me live in the sweetness of your heart
you and I will live
Will live on in our dreams
Never, Never say Good bye"These words I hold close to my heart.
My favorite moment in the movie - SRK and Rani walking towards each other,chatting for 4 and a half minutes on the mobile as they walk towards each other and are to meet in the next 5 minutes. SRK and Rani at the signal facing each other and Priety coming in between. SRK with a bunch of roses - handing it over to Priety and yet keeping that one flower for Rani. Thats the picture i decided to add to my blog cos thats the scene that will last frm this movie etched in my memory for sometime.
Labels: Movies, Romance