Monday, June 18, 2007

Books : Feel by Chris Heath ( Robbie William's Biography)

This is going to be one of the longest entries I have ever made in terms of review. It is because it is for a strange book. I was looking forward to reading an autobiography / biography. So I picked up this book in a haste. I enjoyed reading every bit of it and it was fun till halfway and then it does get repetitive. I felt reading every word of "FEEL" cos it was real and life does repeat itself.

There are many quotes in the book and the few I am sharing in here are really the ones that I completely adored. Its a good peep into the world of rich and famous but more so it is a reality check on the pains of fame; on the loss of anonymity and most of all the increasing vulnerability. I have retained this book for couple of weeks just to write the review. Did finish it a while back but didn't want to give it back without writing this review.

Pg 12
"When you're on 24-hour watch with the paparazzi, you wake up in the morning and there's five carfuls parked outside your house, every fucking day, and they follow you everywhere, all day. After 5 years of it, it can grind you. Its important that you separate yourself from your tabloid entity or television entity. And when you can't because they are in your life, the chatter in your head increases more and you take everything so personally because you really think they are writing about you."

I knew from this line that I will finish this book as long as it may take.

Pg 439
"Knebworth, for the first time in my life am speechless " , he tells them the first time he takes a breath and it feels like stagecraft than a reflection of what he is feeling. As ever, he immediately welcomes them into his world where humble, grandiose and arrogant happily co-exist in the same sentence. " I really hope I can do a show tonight that will make you all proud , " he says. "Because so far you have been better than me. It's going to take me a couple of numbers, because when i saw you lot tonight, I've never seen anything like this in my life. Ever. And after these three nights I don't think Britain will see anything like it for a long time to come either.

And now watch this:


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