Saturday, May 19, 2007

Movies : Life in a METRO

Life in a METRO - I primarily went for the movie cos of word of mouth. My friends recommended it and said I might enjoy it. I must say I wasn't disappointed.

Life in a METRO is not really about life in a metro. Its about relationships , about the quest of love and life and in this quest how one often forgets to live. The movie is good in bits and pieces and has its moments. It is also real in more ways than one or so I felt. After all life is all about taking chances. But some pieces are disconnected and somehow I couldn't empathize with the characters at some level. There was a disconnect but despite all of it , I think it was the worth the time.

The scene I remember is the one where Shilpa Shetty escapes from Shiney's house and then as he follows her breaks down confessing how all this makes her feel like a slut. I guess the guilt is so real that it hits, after all are a part of a society where there is no difference in being individualistic and being selfish , where to stand up for oneself is looked down upon and where indulgence is scorned at.

It's the humor that is the hero of the story. It's dark and elusive and often slaps you in your face as you are laughing through it. And you suddenly wonder if you should laugh at all.

Catch it if you can !

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